#MadewithaBailey Interview with Lucy Fagella

#MadewithaBailey Interview with Lucy Fagella

Lucy's command of her material is clearly evidenced in the pots, which she throws on her Bailey wheel. There is mastery in the subtle beauty of each of her forms. We love seeing the range of her work and hearing about her inspirations. 

How did you get started working in clay?

I started working in clay when I was a senior in high school. A printmaking class that I wanted to get into did not have enough enrollment, all that was left was a ceramics class. The very first day I made a pot on the wheel I knew this is what I wanted to do for a career. 

What Bailey products do you use to make your work and how do they help?

I own 5 Bailey wheels for myself and my students.

What’s a tool that you could you not live without?

Beside my potters wheel, I would say one of my red Sherril rib tools.

What inspires you?

Walking in the fields and woods everyday. Being surrounded by nature, seeing all the various shades of green, the leaves, the grasses, we even have a river behind our house that is named the Green River because of it's beautiful light green color.

Patterns from Islam, and American Folk Quilts.

Vintage kitchenware, anything from Enamelware to metal citrus juicers.


When you’re not creating ceramics, what else do you enjoy doing?

I love to be working in the garden. Our family grows a good amount of our food for the year between the garden, cold frames, greenhouse, root cellar, chickens and bees. Basically if I am not in the studio you can find me outside.

What are you excited to try next in the studio?

I am really excited right now to be working in stoneware. I have worked in porcelain for 17 years, and felt I needed a change. I can't wait to see what kind of change this will bring to my work!

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